Monday, April 28, 2014

So We Meet Again, Bench Press...

First Bench day of the new cycle, it wasn't amazing but I hit all prescribed reps and form was pretty damn good. Dropping the weight on Pendlays and slowing down the movement with more of a squeeze at the top was a good move, my rhomboids are really burning! The shrugs; I am gonna go lighter on, next time... Ugly last few reps!! Poundstone Curls, I got 5 more reps than last time (OUCH!!). The weighted Planks went well, for my first time hitting them in AGES. 3 plates is a new weight PR, I could have gone longer on both sets but chickened out and the weight slipped a bit too far on my second set. Next time, I'll hit 2 plates for minimum 90 seconds and three plates, for minimum one minute. It feels like a sledgehammer smacked me in the stomach, I want it to feel like a train (and not to hurt my Squats, on the next day!!). I hope that shuttling Bench Press to day 1 pays off, I am confident it will get better from here.

Here are today's results:

Monday, April 28 -- Bench Press Day -- (Bench Press Training Max: 245)

Bench Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/140x2/150x1
Work Sets - 160x5/185x5/210x6

Pendlay Rows - 4x8x135

Seated Behind Neck Press - 4x8x75/75/80/80

Weighted Dips -4x6x35/40/45/45

Face Pulls - 2x30x45

Shrugs - 2x40x95

Poundstone Curls - 1xBarx65

Weighted Planks - 1x90x75secs/1x135x45secs

Goodbye Deload.

I chose not to post any of my Deload days, as I don't feel that it's a particularly noteworthy phase. Here is a short and sweet summary, in contrast to my typically long rambles about topics that only mean anything to ME (On that note, is anyone even reading these?!). The weights were light, shit was easy, I feel refreshed... I used this deload to cycle in new assistance work, so that I don't spend time during the more serious phases getting a feel for it. Now, the real fun begins!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Updated Program

For a bit more than a week now, I've felt groggy and slow. I shouldn't feel this beat down, which means that something has to change. I chalked this up to not enough rest time - and thus, have cut my program down to four days, with minor changes/drop and swaps. So, I've got all my back work on Pressing days. This is slightly closer to a by-the-book 5/3/1 approach. I also reorderd the days, to hit weakest lifts first. A couple of new or relatively new pieces of assitance work, Front Squat Holds, for a different kind of TVA stimulus and Poundstone curls (max rep barbell curls, man they fuckin' HURT!). That's all I care to say about it...Fuck Bullshit, get GAINZ!!!!

Training maxes for next cycle:
Deadlift - 385
Bench - 245
Squat - 305
Strict Press - 135
Power Clean - 190

Bench Press - 5/3/1
Pendlay Rows - 4x8
Seated Behind Neck Press - 4x8
Weighted Dips -4x6
Face Pulls - 2x30
Shrugs - 2x40
Poundstone Curls - 1xMAX
Weighted Planks - 2xMAX

Squats - 5/3/1
BB Split Squats - 4x8
RDL's - 4x8
GHR's - 3x10
Shovel Deadlifts - 3x6
Back Extensions - 3x10
Standing Calf Raise - 2x30

OHP - 5/3/1
Weighted Pull-Ups - 5x3-5
CG Bench - 4x8
Turkish Get-Ups - 3x5
Incline Laterals - 3x10
Rotator Extensions - 3x15
Hammer Curls - 3x10

Power Cleans - 5/3/1
Deadlifts - 5/3/1
Front squats - 4x8
Front Squat Holds - 3xMAX
GHR's - 3x10
Hip Thrusts - 3x12
Leg Raises - 3x10

Monday, April 21, 2014

Overhead PR (And One Angry Elbow!!)

I felt pretty awesome on this day, so I decided to test my projected one rep max instead of going for a rep max. At this point, I have chosen NOT TO go for gym PR's... I made an exception here, since I OHP is a lift that I won't be doing in competitions and I wanted to see if my max is where it "should be". Well, it was a grinder. I stalled at the halfway mark, but did get it up there.I also torqued my elbow pretty good and it didn't feel great, in the morning. But, all better now!! For how ugly that press was, I'm gonna keep my training max where it's at for another cycle... and I won't be going for another PR, in the foreseeable future. CG Bench was okay, the first couple sets were wicked and explosive, but the heavier sets were a bit too much and a little under par. Tried out Horizontal Woodchoppers, because this gym doesn't have a Landmine... They are a pretty damn good rotational move! I'll be holding onto them.

Here you have it:

Saturday, April 19-- Overhead Press Day -- (Overhead Press Training Max: 135)

Overhead Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/60x5/70x3/80x1
Work Sets - 102.5x5/115x3/130x1/150x1

Close Grip Bench Press - 5x8x150,150,160,160,160

Incline Lateral Raises - 3x10x20 DB's

Rotator Extensions - 3x15x15

Face Pulls - 2x20x60

Barbell Shrugs - 2x30x135

Horizontal Cable Woodchoppers - 3x12x90

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Umm... I Guess this was Squatterday.

I don't have much to say about this session, just another Squatterday - and a particularly unremarkable one. I felt so groggy and it took longer than usual to get through the workout. The RDL's were too heavy and my back was rounding on the last couple sets, so I'm gonna drop it down to 205 next time and hit them with better form. My new gym has a couple of awesome things: 1.25 pound plats, so that I don't have to round to the nearest five pound increment and a Standing Calf Raise... oh and unlike the last one, this one has a GHD. Fuck yeah, I love this gym!

Well, getting to the point:

Friday, April 18 -- Squat Day -- (Squat Training Max: 295)

Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/175x1
Work Sets - 222.5x5/252.5x3/282.5x6

Romanian Deadlifts - 4x8x245

Bulgarian Split Squats - 3x6x75 DB's

Standing Calf Raise - 3x20x260

Back Extensions - 3x10x50

Leg Raises - 3x10

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Redefining "Bad Back"

Awesome Back Day, this was. I changed things up and strapped on some weight, for my Pull Ups, for the first time in ages. From this point on, I'll be focused on Weighted Pull Ups and not bother with the Pull Downs. 7 or 8 sets of those bad boys... BAM, swole lats city!! Yes, I feel back on the ball now. FUCK BULLSHIT, GET GAINZ!!

Here is an overview of the carnage :

Thursday, April 17 -- Back Day --
Weighted Pull Ups - 4x3x25  3x1x45

BB Rows - 4x8x160

DB "Kroc Rows" - 1x30x75

Seated DB Power Cleans - 3x15x15

Alternating DB Curls - 3x20x15

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Pressing Matters.

This Bench Press Day was consistent with other recent sessions, though I felt more explosive and the reps were much smoother. I'm starting to feel a lot more comfortable with Seated BNP, more quality reps today. I don't have much else to say about this session, besides that I was a bit more in the zone. I'm still not even feeling 100% today, but a day off helped... What is up with this slump I'm in?! No time for excuses, gotta shake off the cobwebs and get back to kicking ass!!

Here are today's results:

Tuesday, April 15 -- Bench Press Day -- (Bench Press Training Max: 245)

Bench Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/155x1
Work Sets - 185x5/210x3/235x3

Seated Behind Neck Press - 4x8x175,175,180,180/1x7x180

Weighted Dips - 4x6x40

Turkish Get Ups - 3x5x40

Standing Cable Crunches - 3x30x120

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pull Like You Mean It!

This Deadlift Day was not great, but acceptable. I went a bit nuts on Power Cleans and that seems to have hurt my deads. Also, I'm not sure what's come over me this week, but I feel groggy and my focus is slipping. The past few days have really dragged on. I'm glad to know that a deload is right around the corner, I need it.

Here you have it:

Monday, April 14 -- Deadlift Day -- (PC Training Max: 180/Deadlift Training Max:375)

Power Cleans:
Warmup Sets - 65x5/85x3
Work Sets - 135x5/155x3/170x7

Warmup Sets - 170x5/225x3/255x1
Work Sets - 280x5/320x3/355x6

Front Squats - 4x8x175

Lunges - 3x10x75 Dumbbells

Shovel Deadlifts - 3x85x12

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Overhead Press, Oh Yes!!

OHP went well, yesterday. On my final set, I belted up and banged out 9 reps. I almost got to 10, but psyched myself out (?!). I've been watching loads of videos and reading articles lately, looking for new cues to help me improve this lift. I narrowed my grip and moved my feet a bit closer, just inside of shoulder width. These modifications, as well as using a false (thumbless) grip have worked wonders. Besides that, I've been cleaning the bar from the floor, rather than starting from a rack. Not much else to say, but this training week ended on a high note!

Here you have it:

Saturday, April 12-- Overhead Press Day -- (Overhead Press Training Max: 135)

Overhead Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/60x5/70x3/80x1
Work Sets - 95x3/110x3/120x9

Close Grip Bench Press - 5x8x135,145,155,165,165

Incline Lateral Raises - 3x10x20 DB's

Rotator Extensions - 3x15x15

Face Pulls - 2x20x60,70

Barbell Shrugs - 2x30x135

Rotational Landmines - 3x20x50

Saturday, April 12, 2014

My Legs are going to HATE me tomorrow!!

This Squat Day was indeed above par, it's nice to see consistent improvement. My top set was done belted, as I'll be doing all my heavy/max rep sets from now on. 11 hard and fast reps, though I lost form on the last one. I was sort of scatterbrained and slightly irked by several factors, but getting under the bar washed my troubles away in waves of sweat. I decided that I'm sick of using the Leg Press for Calf Raises and tried out the Hack Squat, a machine which I have never touched until now. It felt great and my toes were not shifting around on the platform, like when I do them on the Leg Press (what a damn nuissance!!). Oh, I did something dumb, which I will undoubtedly pay for later... I skipped out on the foam rolling, to cut ten minutes from my total time. How dare I neglect my recovery, for a social event? No seriously, I can't let this happen again!!!! On a positive note: I weighed in at 205!! That means that I am officially in the 93 kg weight class, two weeks ahead of schedule. Now, I can up my calories a touch and shift more focus to building peak strength. ALLLLLLRIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!

Here is an overview of today's session:

Friday, April 11 -- Squat Day -- (Squat Training Max: 295)

Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/175x1
Work Sets - 205x3/235x3/265x11

Romanian Deadlifts - 4x8x225,225,225,235

Bulgarian Split Squats - 3x6x80 DB's

Leg Press Calf Raise - 2x20x320

Hack Squat Calf Raise - 1x20x280

Back Extensions - 3x10x50

Leg Raises - 3x10

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Guess Who's Back!

I'm very happy to have hit my target on Pull Ups today, soon I'll be ready to start strapping on weight again. The Kroc Rows were not bad, but I'm gonna stick it out at 75 for at least a couple more weeks. Decreasing the weight on Curls gave me better bicep stimulation and not one rep was cheated. Though they are basically a "useless" exercise, still may as well do them with good form! (Remember, Curls are not a back exercise and THEY DON'T BELONG IN THE SQUAT RACK {unless you're breaking a world record!}). THANK YOU, COME AGAIN!!!

Here is an overview of today's session:

Wednesday, April 9 -- Back Day --

Pull Ups - 5x bodyweight x5

Pulldowns - 3x8x110

BB Rows - 4x8x155,155,160,160

DB "Kroc Rows" - 1x30x75

Seated DB Power Cleans - 3x15x15

Alternating DB Curls - 3x20x15

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sometimes, I HATE Bench Press!!

Another Bench Press Day that I am not particularly pleased with. All of my assistance work went great, for what it's worth... But only 4 reps on my top set? Meh, I expect more of myself. In light of recent performance, I won't be advancing my BP Training Max for the next cycle. Frustrating, but that's life. The point where I am the weakest is about the halfway mark. This, along with the fact that I tend to feel the bench press more in my Delts than anywhere else, points to an Anterior Deltoid weakness. With just under 11 weeks until competition, now is certainly not the time for weak point training... Though, it looks as if I'll have to shift more focus in that direction after the meet.

So here is the lowdown:

Tuesday, April 8 -- Bench Press Day -- (Bench Press Training Max: 245)

Bench Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/115x3/135x2
Work Sets - 170x3/200x3/220x4

Seated Behind Neck Press - 5x8x175,175,175,180,185

Weighted Dips - 4x6x40

Turkish Get Ups - 3x5x45

Standing Cable Crunches - 3x25x110

Monday, April 7, 2014

Just Another Day at The Bar...

Another high quality Deadlift Day, expectations were surpassed on this day. Normally I would have just gone for prescribed reps on Power Cleans, but I felt good today and decided to rep out. Not bad, I stopped the set because my form was starting to disintegrate - as can be expected when you take a set of Power Cleans past five reps. 160 felt super light! I chose to belt up, for my last set of Deads. I'm pleased with having hit 12 reps. Pulling 450 at the meet is starting to look very feasible. Booyah!

Here is the rundown:

Monday, April 7 -- Deadlift Day -- (PC Training Max: 180/Deadlift Training Max:375)

Power Cleans:
Warmup Sets - 95x3/115x2
Work Sets - 130x3/145x3/160x6

Warmup Sets - 175x5/205x4/235x2
Work Sets - 260x3/300x3/340x12

Front Squats - 4x8x175

Lunges - 3x10x75 Dumbbells

Shovel Deadlifts - 3x80x15

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Deltoid Destruction!!

Today was a satisfactory session, consistent with my expectations. Next time I'll start a bit heavier on Close Grip Bench, because these sets were a touch too easy. Having played with various set and rep schemes, I've learned that (at least for me) higher rep Face Pulls are much more effective at hitting my rear delts. 20-30 is where I've seen the best results. I've chosen to keep them and Shrugs down to just two sets each, on this day. The Seated Dumbbell Power Cleans hit them both pretty hard on my Back Day - this is just for an extra emphasis. I've found that just a couple 30-40 rep sets of Shrugs give me the best bang for buck (though, my traps have responded best of all to good old Power Cleans!). This split is not focused on hypertrophy, in general. My focus is on peak strength, but I'm also aiming for some yoke-specific hypertrophy. Also worth a mention: Rotator Extensions are without a doubt, one of the most underrated moves for injury prevention. I always include these, going light just to get the blood pumping hard and keep the rotator cuffs strong. I've heard enough stories of tweaked shoulders and had a bad scare, a couple of years ago! Keep those shoulders healthy and live to lift another day!!

Here is an overview of today's session:

Saturday, April 5 -- Overhead Press Day -- (Overhead Press Training Max: 135)

Overhead Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/65x4/75x2/
Work Sets - 90x5/100x5/115x9

Close Grip Bench Press - 5x8x125,130,135,140,145

Incline Lateral Raises - 3x10x20 DB's

Rotator Extensions - 3x15x15

Face Pulls - 2x20x60

Barbell Shrugs - 2x30x135,145

Rotational Landmines - 3x20x50

Friday, April 4, 2014

It's not Friday, It's SQUATTERDAY!

Todays Squat session was what some would refer to as "far out, man!". After my recent injury, it's awesome to see my lower body strength returning and I am happy to say that I am nearly at my all time strongest. I've quit letting bad form slide, no more "squat mornings". As soon as feel my back starting to round, the set is done. Another rule of thumb: if I'm not at least 80 percent sure I'll make the next rep, the set is done. My final set of Squats was one for the books. I smoked 255 for 10 reps, all pretty fast - and I am certain that I hit depth on every rep. Hitting depth has been a problem for me in the past, so I took the initiative to start sitting in the hole (bottom position) with weight in my back, holding for 20 to 30 seconds. It's really making a huge difference. I'll continue using this approach during every deload, getting progressively heavier, each time around... It might not fit with everyone's idea of a deload; but if done responsibly, I don't see it as taxing enough to defeat the purpose of deloading.

Here is an overview of today's session:

Friday, April 4 -- Squat Day -- (Squat Training Max: 295)

Warmup Sets - Barx8/115x5/155x3/175x2
Work Sets - 195x5/225x5/255x10

Romanian Deadlifts - 4x8x185,195,215,225

Bulgarian Split Squats - 3x6x80 DB's

Leg Press Calf Raise - 3x20x320

Back Extensions - 3x10x50

Leg Raises - 3x10

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Back in Action!!

Back day went quite well today, I'm satisfied with the results. Not that long ago, I was doing weighted Pull Ups and could manage a set of 5 with a 45 strapped on and one rep with 70. I've become much less proficient at pull ups, which can be mostly attributed to gaining bodyfat. The decrease in performance was more than I expected, but I'm getting better. In the past 3 weeks, I've managed to drop 5 pounds and am now only 2 pounds from the 93 kg (205 pound) weight class. Rows went pretty well today. Next week, I'm gonna use a 75 DB (my previous PR for 30 reps). Even though Kroc Rows are an overload move and a bit of body english is called for, I cheated more than I'd have liked to. Seated Dumbbell Power Cleans are an awesome move, don't be afraid to try these bad boys out. Just make sure that you don't go too heavy, go light for high reps or you'll tear your rotator cuffs. I have noticed fast Yoke development since adding these, I must say... MAN, MY REAR DELTS ARE ON FIRE!!

Here is an overview of my Back day:

Thursday, April 3 -- Back Day --

Pull Ups - 6x bodyweight x5,5,5,5,3,2

Pulldowns - 3x8x110

BB Rows - 4x8x155

DB "Kroc Rows" - 1x30x80

Seated DB Power Cleans - 3x15x15

Alternating DB Curls - 3x20x20

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bench Press day? Oh... Yeah, that!

Today was a less than sterling session. On my final set of Bench Press, 210 felt heavier than usual. I can live with repping out 7, but feel that I should have been able to hit a couple more. I just started incorporating the Behind Neck Press and got overzealous. Increasing the weight too much on set number two messed me up. Next time, I'll start from 80 and see how that goes. The Dips were ugly, grinders... TGU's, I haven't been doing lately but thought I should be able to manage the same weight as I when I did them often. Totally missed my 5 rep target, but oh well., I'll just use a 40 next week. I like including TGU's for the core stimulus and shoulder health benefits, but I have nothing to prove by going heavy on them... To sum up my take on all this, bad days are inevitable. I won't sweat this one, too much.

Here is an overview of my Bench Press day:

Tuesday, April 1 -- Bench Press Day -- (Bench Press Training Max: 245)

Bench Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/85x5/115x4/135x2
Work Sets - 160x5/185x5/210x7

Seated Behind Neck Press - 1x8x85/1x8x95/1x7x85/1x7x80

Weighted Dips - 4x6x45

Turkish Get Ups - 2x3x50/1x4x45

Standing Cable Crunches - 3x20x110