Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Week 4: Bench Press

This Bench Press day didn't go according to plan. There were a couple of moments of frustration, but I'm looking at it as a success, because I learned a couple of things and upon having a friend/fellow Powerlifter scrutinize my form - I feel confident that my overall technique is pretty damn good. He also pointed out to me what was wrong with my unracking technique. I taught myself how to unrack, no one ever corrected me. Basically, I was starting with the bar right over my eyes and doing a JM Press to unrack it. So, I shuffled a bit up the bench, to where my chest and elbows (flared out) were right underneath the bar. That made unracking a lot easier, but the bigger problem is how my arms are so long that it's quite a distance on my gym's benches to take the bar from rack to lockout. On the bright side, the racks at the meet are adjustable. Today, I tried out an ammonia inhalant pellet for the first time and it WOKE ME RIGHT UP! My sinuses immediately felt so clear and after grinding out a set of five with 215, I went on to blast my next set with the same weight with relative ease. It really felt like the bar was 20 pounds lighter. How odd that these are allowed in competition, but if I've had a cup of coffee in the past two days I'll fail the drug test and be disqualified... The reason that my set/rep scheme was so messed up today, is that I threw in a couple of singles to practice the commands... Well, the last set was a failure, but at least the two singles equaled out the total number of reps.

Enough rambling:

Bench Press:

Warmup Sets Barx8/95x5/135x3/185x1

Work Sets - 210x1/210x5/215x5/215x1/215x5/215x3

Chin-Ups - 5x5/5/4/3/2

Dips - 5x10/7/6/6/5x3

Inverted Rows - 4x8/8/6/10

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 4: Squats

This Squatterday went down smooth, but damn did it leave me tired the next day. I belted up for the last two sets. They felt pretty heavy but the weight moved fast and all reps were paused. Well, I think it's about time I drag my battered body over to my bed and collapse, for the night...

Here is the lowdown:

Warmup Sets - Barx8/135x5/225x3/245x1
Work Sets - 265x5/270x5/275x5/280x5

GHR - 3x15

Back Extensions - 3x20

Front Squat Hold - 3x315x65/70/75 Seconds

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Week 5: Deadlifts

This Deadlift Day was a great success. All sets were beltless. The weights moved pretty fast and there was no grinding to speak of. This ends week 5 on a positive note. I have even higher expectations for week 4. I'm ready for what is to come, bring it on!!!

Today's action:

Warmup Sets Barx8/135x5/225x3/315x1
Work Sets - 325x6/330x6/335x6/340x6/345x6

GHR's - 3x15

Hip Thrusts - 3x20

Weighted Planks - 3x45x120/90/120 secs

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Week 5: Bench Press

This was a decent session, overall. Though, I did fail on the last set. I'd rather fail now, than closer to the meet... But, it did phase me a bit. After that 4th rep, I took a good 15 seconds rest/pause and then smashed one more rep. Might have been slightly counter-intuitive, really, but it made me FEEL better!! I also chose to do more volume than I had originally planned, on my assistance. Next time, I'll hit the Chins before Inverted Rows.

The results of this session:

Bench Press:  
Warmup Sets Barx8/95x5/135x3/175x1
Work Sets - 200x6/205x6/210x6/215x6/220x4(15 sec REST/PAUSE)+1

Inverted Rows - 3x10

Chin-Ups - 6x8/4/3/3/2/2

Dips - 5x10/7/7/7/6

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 5: Squats

A solid Squatterday, to kick of my last block of pre-meet training. The last couple reps of the last set were a little slow, but no "butt wink" and I had no problem hitting depth. These sets were all beltless. Bodyweight assistance work went by fast and I managed to hit the one minute mark on each of my Front Squat Holds. In a couple weeks, I'll probably add some weight to these and go for less time. Man, I love this red barbell mark across my delts and clavicular region... No, this time I'm not being sarcastic!! Do I need counselling? Probably!!!!

And now, our feature presentation:


Warmup Sets Barx8/95x5/145x3/195x2/225x1

Work Sets - 250x6/255x6/260x6/265x6/270x6

GHR - 3x15/12/12

Back Extensions - 3x20

Front Squat Hold - 3x315x1 Min

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Final Preparations

Over the past week, it hit me that I've not spent enough time working with near max weights. I decided that it would be beneficial to swap out my last block of training for a short peaking cycle that will have me working with some more serious weights. After consulting lifters who I respect and reading lots of ideas from various sources, I quickly became more and more confused. There is so much mixed information - and certainly no "one size fits all" plan. I'm going with what makes the most sense to me, based on where my program has led me thus far. A friend who has competed before helped me finalize this plan - and I am confident that it will be effective. Not only that, but I have concluded: if this plan fails me, what have I really lost? This is my first meet and the goal here is to get a feel for what it's like to compete, to set a bench-mark for future competitions. Yeah, I wanna go out there and kick some ass, I am in this to win... But, how many times in the past have I done dumb shit and failed miserably? Yet; here I am today, looking the dragon in the eyes. All that matters is: I'm going to fight, with everything I've got! Even if I fail; I will be back with a vengeance!!

So here is my action plan, for the final 5 weeks:

5 weeks out:5x6
4 weeks out:4x5
3 weeks out:4x3
2 weeks out:3x2
1 week out: Openers on Monday, then Rest and Recovery

I've also stripped down program, with a lower volume of almost entirely bodyweight assistance work:

Squat GHR - 3x12 Back Ext. - 3x15 Front Squat Hold - 3 

Bench Inverted Rows - 3x10 Dips - 3xMAX Chin-Ups - 5xMAX

Deadlift GHR - 3x12 Hip Thrusts - 3x15  
Weighted Planks - 3  

I've selected a few options for each attempt; which may change, based on how I feel::


Squat: 137.5kg/135kg/132.5kg
Bench: 107.5kg/105kg/102.5kg

Dead: 175kg/172.5kg/170kg

Squat: 147.5kg/145kg/142.5kg
Bench: 115kg/112.5kg/110kg
Dead: 190kg/187.5kg/185kg
Squat: 160kg/157.5kg/155kg
Bench: 125kg/122.5kg/120kg
Dead: 205kg/202.5kg/200kg

Friday, May 16, 2014

Deadly Deadlifts with a Side of Blackout

I felt groggy as fuck today, it was hard to get out the door and to the gym. I cut out a lot of the day's assistance, not just because of how I'm feeling, but because I'm changing the structure of my program leading up to the meet and wanna be fresh for Squats. From here, I'll be Squatting on Monday, Benching on Tuesday and Deadlifting on Friday - with very moderate assistance. Despite being tired, strength was past the bar. Today's Power Cleans were ugly as all hell, but the bar felt super light. Deadlifts went pretty damn good today, I worked up to my opener weight of 385 and hit 5 reps with that. The last one was round back city, but that's one more target down and I'm happy about it! The most fun part was my first Front Squat hold of the day. I didn't notice that the bar was choking off my carotid artery until I was stumbling around dizzy and reality was in slow motion. Now that's my kind of party!!

And thus, there were Deadlifts:

Friday, May 16 -- Deadlift Day -- (PC Training Max: 190/Deadlift Training Max:385)

Power Cleans:
Warmup Sets - 95x5/115x3/130x1
Work Sets - 142.5x5/162.5x3/182.5x1

Warmup Sets - 225x5/250x3/270x1
Work Sets - 290x5/327.5x3/367.5x1/385x5

GHR's - 3xBodyweightx10

Front Squat Holds - 4x315x20,30,40,50 secs

Raising The Bar

I felt so much stronger than usual, during this session. I may have got a bit carried away, especially when I miscounted the weight on my second OHP set and it felt smooth - so I said, OH WHAT THE HELL?! Seemed like a good day to go HARD. Weighted Pull-Ups and Chins today were way above par, as well. 175 is the heaviest I've one on Close Grip Bench and hitting 6 reps felt pretty good. Funny thing, I noticed that what the majority people call "Close Grip" is my REGULAR Grip and my Close Grip is another handwidth in, with my index and middle fingers on the smooth part of the bar. Why? It just works for me, it's more comfortable and I like the fact that it's safer on the shoulders.

Here it is:

Thursday, May 15-- Overhead Press Day -- (Overhead Press Training Max: 135)

Overhead Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/65x5/85x3/95x1
Work Sets - 102.5x5/125x3/135x3/135x3

Weighted Pull-Ups - 5x25x5/5/5/3/3

Bodyweight Chin-Ups - 5x6/5/5/5/4

CG Bench - 3x8x145/155/165/1x6x175

Incline Laterals - 3x10x20

Rotator Extensions - 3x15x15

Turkish Get-Ups - 3x5x40

Hammer Curls - 3x12x25

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Squat Rack Attack

Another target blown to smitherines, today. I hit 300 for 4 reps, perfect depth on each one. The last rep did have me tilting forward a touch. Nonetheless, that's two out of three of my goals for the week - the wheels of progress just keep on turning. This week, I decided to do Weighted Planks with just one 45 plate, after it was pointed out to me by someone I respect that I was sagging a bit, with 2 and 3 plates. This time, no sag - but it was harder to hold, thus, I couldn't go for as long. Next time, I'm gonna shoot for 150 seconds on the first one. On another note, I've reconsidered my approach and may even change a couple of openers. I want to finish strong and have nothing to prove, with an opening attempt. I'll get more into that, later...

Take it and go:

Tuesday, May 13 -- Squat Day -- (Squat Training Max: 305)


Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/190x1

Work Sets - 230x5/260x3/290x1/300x4

BB Split Squats - 4x8x175

RDL's - 4x8x185

GHR's - 3x10x25

Shovel Deadlifts - 3x6x1 45# Plate

Back Extensions - 3x10x40

Standing Calf Raise - 3x20x180

Weighted Planks - 3x45x120 secs, 60 secs, 70 secs

Monday, May 12, 2014

Black Metal Bench Press

This week, I'm testing out my openers for the meet. The idea being that; if I can't hit my opener on each lift for a triple, opening lighter is in order. Instead of going for max reps on the third set, I'm using my 5/3/1 sets to warm up for a max set with my opener. Today, as the delightfully misanthropic sound of Carpathian Forest ravaged my eardrums, I SMASHED 245 for 4 reps.Target surpassed for Bench Press, 275 should be a piece of cake!! Assistance work also went great today, I went heavier on Behind Neck Press and 90 pounds felt easy, up till the last 2 reps. 60 pound weighted dips this week were easier than 45, last week. I decided to move the Weighted Planks to tomorrow, at the end of Squat Day. That's all for now, folks!

Cutting to the chase:

Monday, May 12 -- Bench Press Day -- (Bench Press Training Max: 245)

Bench Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/155x1
Work Sets - 185x5/210x3/235x1/245x4

Pendlay Rows - 4x8x165/175/185/185

Seated Behind Neck Press - 4x8x75/80/85/90

Weighted Dips -4x6x45/50/55/60

Face Pulls - 2x30x60

Shrugs - 1x40x115/25(10 sec. rest-pause)15x115

Poundstone Curls - 1xBarx75

Friday, May 9, 2014

Deadlift Domination

Awesome Deadlift day to end off a solid training week. If I trained at Planet Fitness, I'd definitely have triggered the "Lunk Alarm", been arrested and put behind bars after this session. I'm sure I would have hit the twelfth rep on my top set, but stopped as my form had begun to disintegrate. Power Cleans were great today, too. The bar felt light and I def had one or two more reps in me for 172.5, but no use tiring myself out before the main event! Today, I chose to use a 25 plate on GHR's and oh man, it felt great. 135 on the hip thrusts felt like the highest I want to go, at this point. What good is going heavy and using crap form? No good at all!! Finished off with the battling ropes, for ten minutes... Yeah, this day was another for the books.

Here is the lowdown:

Friday, May 8 -- Deadlift Day -- (PC Training Max: 190/Deadlift Training Max:385)

Power Cleans:
Warmup Sets - Barx5/95x3
Work Sets - 135x3/152.5x3/172.5x5

Warmup Sets - 225x5/250x3
Work Sets - 270x3/310x3/347.5x11

Front squats - 4x8x170,170,175,175

Front Squat Holds - 4x315x35,40,35,35 secs

GHR's - 3x25x10,8,8

Hip Thrusts - 3x135x12

Leg Raises - 3x10

Overhead Action

This OHP day was definitely up to par. I had a lot of energy to spare and decided to do some Chins, after my Weighted Pull-Ups. Nothing remarkable about this training day, but it gets the John Sambo Stamp of Approval.

Here you have it:

Thursday, May 8-- Overhead Press Day -- (Overhead Press Training Max: 135)

Overhead Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/60x5/70x3/80x1
Work Sets - 95x3/110x3/122.5x8

Weighted Pull-Ups - 5x25x4/3/3/3/3

Bodyweight Chin-Ups - 5x5

CG Bench - 4x8x145/145/155/165

Incline Laterals - 3x10x20

Rotator Extensions - 3x15x15

Turkish Get-Ups - 4x3x45, 1x4x45

Hammer Curls - 3x10x25

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Destroying The Squat Rack

This Squatterday was off the hook and my tailbone didn't try to escape during Split Squats, this time. GHR's are too easy, with bodyweight. Now that I have reintegrated them and made sure I'm getting my money's worth, I'm gonna start adding weight. Finished off with the battling ropes, for ten minutes of 30 sec on/off. Yes, this was a good day... Done!

Tuesay, May 6 -- Squat Day -- (Squat Training Max: 305)


Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/165x2/195x1

Work Sets - 215x3/245x3/275x10

BB Split Squats - 4x8x155/165/175/185

RDL's - 4x8x185

GHR's - 3x10

Shovel Deadlifts - 3x6x1 45# Plate

Back Extensions - 3x10x40

Standing Calf Raise - 3x20x200

Monday, May 5, 2014

Bench into Oblivion

Awesome Bench Press Day, this one blew my last couple months of training out of the water. 222.5 for 7 reps, felt nice and smooth. I did something different today, something simple that I feel like a fool for not doing sooner! I chose to ask for a liftoff, for my last two sets. I have a hard time unracking heavy loads, which I can partly attribute to rack design. Bottom line, unracking wastes so much energy and I lose scapular retraction - ultimately ruining my sets. Once the weight gets upward of about 190, I need that liftoff to maintain optimal positioning. It's fine; after all, I will have a liftoff in competition. The assistance work went way better today, as well. I attribute this to the feeling of confidence, realizing that my bench is doing better than I thought - as well as the fact that I've been giving a far greater degree of focus to rest and recovery. Bend bars, fuck shit up! NO EXCUSES!!!

Here are the results:

Monday, May 5 -- Bench Press Day -- (Bench Press Training Max: 245)

Bench Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/150x2/160x1
Work Sets - 172.5x3/197.5x3/222.5x7

Pendlay Rows - 4x8x155/165/165/175

Seated Behind Neck Press - 4x8x75/80/80/85

Weighted Dips -4x6x25/35/35/45

Face Pulls - 2x30x45/60

Shrugs - 2x40x85/90

Poundstone Curls - 1xBarx70

Weighted Planks - 1x90x90secs/1x135x45secs

Friday, May 2, 2014

Lifting with The Dead.

This was a pretty good day for Deadlifts, Power Cleans didn't go so great today and Front Squats were just OKAY. I like these Front Squat holds, but my clavicle sure didn't. Next time I'll hold that 315 for 35 seconds, should be a piece of cake. What else? Nothing...

Here it is:

Friday, May 2 -- Deadlift Day -- (PC Training Max: 190/Deadlift Training Max:385)

Power Cleans:
Warmup Sets - 65x5/85x3/105x1
Work Sets - 125x5/142.5x5/162.5x5

Warmup Sets - 190x5/220x3/240x1
Work Sets - 252.5x5/290x5/327.5x12

Front squats - 4x8x175

Front Squat Holds - 3x315x30 secs

GHR's - 3x10

Hip Thrusts - 3xBodyweightx12

Leg Raises - 3x10

Behold! Overhead Press!!

Not a bad day. My last set was a rep PR, one more than my previous... Moving forward! Close Grip Bench was good today, but I messed up on the last set and it was ugly. I decided that it would be fun to try out the Battling Ropes, to get a bit more conditioning in, without killing my legs the day before Deadlifts. It was good, next time I'll go 15 secs on and 45 off for 10 minutes total.


Thursday, May 1-- Overhead Press Day -- (Overhead Press Training Max: 135)

Overhead Press:
Warmup Sets - Barx8/60x5/70x3/80x1
Work Sets - 90x5/102.5x5/115x10

Weighted Pull-Ups - 5x25x5/4/3/3/3

CG Bench - 4x8x145/145/155/165

Incline Laterals - 3x10x20

Rotator Extensions - 3x15x15

Turkish Get-Ups - 3x40x5

Hammer Curls - 3x10x25

Battling Ropes - 30 seconds on/off for 5 min

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Awesome Squatterday, with a Side of Angry Coccyx!!

This was a good day, overall. Squats went well and I felt stronger than before the deload. On the Split Squats, I started light because I haven't done them in a while. 155 was easy, so I jumped to 185 and it felt just right - nice and explosive, reasonably challenging... Second set of 185, I had this pain like my tailbone was trying to escape. Sharp, hot pain. I adjusted my footing and it subsided, till the very last rep of the very last set... OW!!! I experienced this once during DB Lunges, but just once and then it went away. I chose to go lighter on RDL's, Back Extensions and Calf Raises, in order to feel them out better and get more of a squeeze at the top. Good move, those were some decent sets and also left me less fatigued the next day. After all, I'm not entering a Back Extension Contest...... Going heavier on the Shovel Deads will carry over more to traditional Deads with real weight, I imagine. That's all I've got to say about that, done!!!!

Here you have it, the action:

Tuesay, April 29 -- Squat Day -- (Squat Training Max: 305)


Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/175x2/185x1

Work Sets - 200x5/230x5/260x10

BB Split Squats - 4x8x155/185/185/155

RDL's - 4x8x185

GHR's - 3x10

Shovel Deadlifts - 3x6x1 45# Plate

Back Extensions - 3x10x40

Standing Calf Raise - 2x30x160