Tuesday, June 24, 2014

BCPA Provincials Review

The BCPA Provincials was an experience I'll never forget - and the beginning of a new era of my life. On Saturday, I took the platform and gave it my all. It was the ultimate rush and though my performance was not "the stuff of legends", I'm proud of what I accomplished. I achieved all but one of my goals, totaling 495 kg in the 93 kg Open division.

When I was called to do my opener squat, I was nowhere near ready. In the heat of the moment, I lost track of time. I did my 137.5 kg opener with no warm up and failed to hit depth. Knowing that my failure was only because I'd been caught off guard, I went ahead with my planned attempts. I hit 147.5 kg on my second, with relative ease. I hit 160 kg on my third; with very little grind, but my back rounded slightly.

I was thoroughly prepared for Bench Press. Though, my opener of 110 kg was quite wobbly and surprisingly grindy. My 115 kg second attempt was fairly smooth, though I stalled for a fraction of a second near the top. On my third, I failed at a 125 kg PR attempt that I should have had, by all means! I put everything I had into it and the bar moved slowly, grinding to get stuck just a couple inches short of lockout...

Deadlifts were even smoother than I expected. My 182.5 kg opener was like butter, so easy! On my second attempt, I was caught off guard and successfully pulled a 205 kg PR with no struggle, but I didn't drop my hips low enough and rounded like mad. My third attempt came easier than in my wildest dreams, even easier than the second, for a 220 kg PR. That was my big goal for the meet and I'm so thrilled that I got it!!

I came back on the Sunday, to volunteer for the Women's portion and Men's Heavyweights. Funny thing to consider: over the course of the day, myself and the other spotter/loaders lifted more weight than the highest totaling lifter! I was even more tired at the end of the day, than I was after my day on the platform.

The whole thing was the greatest experience of my life and I can't wait to do it all over again, at the Fall Classic and many more meets to come. It was a true honor, to be a part of all this. I met lots of great people and learned a lot about Powerlifting and about myself.

Now, it's back to the grind. I'm gonna come back with a vengeance and make these achievements look like a joke! This time around, I have a coach lined up. My goals for the Fall Classic are: a 550+ kg total, 185 kg Squat, 135 kg Bench and 230+ kg Deadlift... Here goes nothing!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week 2: Deadlifts

I am pretty damn happy about the results of this Deadlift Day. This was the first time, since my injury that I've gone over 400 in training. I set a new rep PR, hitting 425 for a double. Up until now, I'd only hit it for a single, my all-time weight PR being 430. 425 was like butter, I could have hit a triple, probably even 5 reps. I'd be selling myself short, going for just 450 on the platform. I think I'll hit that on my second attempt and go for 460, or maybe 475 on the third. More Kroc Rows, this week... I also switched up my planks and chose to do a couple of Bird Dogs, holding each position for 10 seconds. Oh, what fun!!!



Warmup Sets Barx8/135x5/225x3/315x1/365x1

Work Sets - 405x2/415x2/425x2

GHR's - 3x15

Hip Thrusts - 3x20

Kroc Rows - 2x15x35/1x30x70

Weighted Planks - 2x45x180/60 secs

Dynamic Bird Dog Planks - 2xBodyweightx60 secs

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 2: Bench Press

This Bench Press Day was great, I felt uber-strong and set a rep PR with 250. Up until today, I'd only ever done 250 for a single. It all went pretty smooth and this makes me feel much better about the idea of 275... I'm gonna hit it, JUST WATCH ME!!! I threw in some Pallof Press at the end, because I FELT LIKE IT!! Been slow/lazy posting lately, because I have other crap going on, but life is good maaaaaaan! Fuck bullshit, get GAINZ!!!!

Now grok this:

Bench Press:

Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/185x1

Work Sets - 235x2/245x2/250x2

Chin-Ups - 5x5

Dips - 3x10

Pallof Press - 3x10x60/75/90

Week 2: Squats

I have mixed feelings about how this Squatterday went down. This is the first time in while that I've gone upward of 300, in training. Every set was done belted. The reps were okay, but not super-explosive. Rep two of the final set, I did grind a bit... I may have to rethink my attempts, because I'd rather just go a bit lighter, than to fail. The Front Squat Holds went great, today. I am getting good at holding tight, while I walk out the weight. Last set, I missed my target by 5 seconds and got mad at the weight. So I said, FUCK IT!! Another 30 seconds, it is!!!!!

Okay, I'll shut up now:


Warmup Sets - Barx8/135x5/225x3/255x1

Work Sets - 295x2/300x2/305x2

GHR - 3x15

Back Extensions - 3x20

Front Squat Hold - 4x320x60/60/55/30 Seconds

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Week 3: Deadlifts

Outstanding Deadlift Day, I hit every target and the bar just flew! I did belt up, for the last two sets. Decided to add in some Kroc rows, since I skipped Inverted Rows on Bench Day and wanted to hit my Rhomboids. Not to mention, I love me some Kroc Rows and haven't done them in AGES!

Here you have the results:


Warmup Sets Barx8/135x5/225x3/315x1

Work Sets - 365x3/370x3/375x3/380x3

GHR's - 3x15

Hip Thrusts - 3x20

Kroc Rows - 2x15x35/1x30x75

Weighted Planks - 3x45x120 secs

Friday, June 6, 2014

Week 3: Bench Press

I felt strong on this Bench day and my performance made the last two look like a joke! The first two sets felt super easy, third set was starting to get challenging. Set four, I was sure I'd hit my target but failed halfway on rep 3 and my spotter helped me complete the rep. I didn't let it phase me, too much. I left out Inverted Rows today, but chose to do some Turkish Get-Up singles at the end. I worked up to my current PR of 100 pounds and it felt pretty heavy, but I got it. I went for 105, but man, it had me stapled to the floor... I'll get it, next time!! I dunno if anyone actually reads these and wonders why I do so little conditioning work, but I will say: I do conditioning usually twice a week. Lately, I do either 10 minutes of Kettlebell Swings, or Battling Ropes. That day, I did the ropes, for 10 minutes: 20 seconds on, 20 off. I don't care to log all my conditioning, because it's not what my training is "about".

The results were as follows:

Bench Press:

Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/185x1

Work Sets - 215x3/225x3/235x3/245x2

Chin-Ups - 5x5

Dips - 3x10

Turkish Get-Ups - 6x1x50/60/70/80/90/100

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 3: Squats

I belted up, for just the last two sets. 290 felt pretty heavy, but the reps all came clean. I chose to go just a touch heavier on Front Squat holds and also added in a "walk-out". I take four steps back and then hold, four steps forward and then rack... Man, that makes it a lot harder!

The day's action:


Warmup Sets - Barx8/135x5/225x3/245x1

Work Sets - 275x3/280x3/285x3/290x3

GHR - 3x15

Back Extensions - 3x20

Front Squat Hold - 4x320x50/45/45/45 Seconds

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week 4: Deadlifts

This session went well, all explosive sets, zero grinding... I did belt up, for that last set. This training week was an overall success. I aced my Squats, making sure to always go a bit below parallel. Bench Press was cause of some frustration, but I am confident that all of my lifts will come through, in time for the meet!



Warmup Sets Barx8/135x5/225x3/315x1

Work Sets - 340x5/345x5/350x5/355x5

GHR's - 3x15

Hip Thrusts - 3x20

Weighted Planks - 2x45x120/150/90/60 secs