Friday, June 6, 2014

Week 3: Bench Press

I felt strong on this Bench day and my performance made the last two look like a joke! The first two sets felt super easy, third set was starting to get challenging. Set four, I was sure I'd hit my target but failed halfway on rep 3 and my spotter helped me complete the rep. I didn't let it phase me, too much. I left out Inverted Rows today, but chose to do some Turkish Get-Up singles at the end. I worked up to my current PR of 100 pounds and it felt pretty heavy, but I got it. I went for 105, but man, it had me stapled to the floor... I'll get it, next time!! I dunno if anyone actually reads these and wonders why I do so little conditioning work, but I will say: I do conditioning usually twice a week. Lately, I do either 10 minutes of Kettlebell Swings, or Battling Ropes. That day, I did the ropes, for 10 minutes: 20 seconds on, 20 off. I don't care to log all my conditioning, because it's not what my training is "about".

The results were as follows:

Bench Press:

Warmup Sets - Barx8/95x5/135x3/185x1

Work Sets - 215x3/225x3/235x3/245x2

Chin-Ups - 5x5

Dips - 3x10

Turkish Get-Ups - 6x1x50/60/70/80/90/100


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